yymmdd- |
(click the LINK for FULL article text - no advertising) |
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President to read |
2012 Progress
Report on Everglades Restoration preprint AVAILABLE NOW |
130331-a |
Environmentalists call this a greener Legislature |
Orlando Sentinel |
130331-b |
Gov. Rick Scott: Everglades restoration plan working |
Sun Sentinel |
130330-a |
Climate change is here, ready or not. So what now ? |
TheDailyBeast.com |
130330-b |
Florida Governor Scott fills two seats on South Florida Water Management District board |
News-Press.com |
130329-a |
Climate change and the Everglades: Earth image of the week |
Earthweek.com |
130329-b |
Florida celebrates 500th birthday |
WTSP.com |
130329-c |
Rising sea levels a major threat to Miami area |
130328-a |
Congressman Murphy announces funding for local dredging projects |
Dredging News Online |
130328-b |
Floridians launch lawsuit to ensure endangered species enjoy full Endangered Species Act protection |
BiologicalDiversity.org |
130328-c |
Glades bill a giveaway to polluters |
Tampa Bay Times |
130328-d |
How climate change threatens the seas – and seafood |
Wunderground.com |
130328-e |
Tamiami Trail's Everglades Skyway raises hope for faster progress on Everglades restoration |
Sun Sentinel |
130327-a |
Licensing Board upholds NRC's environmental impact statement for proposed nuclear power plant |
Targeted News Service |
130327-b |
The amazing kayak championship in the Everglades |
FloridaSportsman.com |
130326-a |
Column: Lousy water, lousy press for Florida |
Tampa Bay Times |
130326-b |
Environmentalists ask federal judge to continue to lord over State’s business |
Sunshine State News |
130326-c |
Fla. sugar farmers applaud House passage of Everglades restoration legislation |
BizPacReview.com |
130326-d |
Tarpon Springs breaks ground for long-delayed water treatment plant |
Tampa Bay Times |
130325-a |
Impact of Tamiami Trail bridge 'will be huge,' says conservationalist |
130325-b |
Judge delays possible Everglades restoration order |
Sun Sentinel |
130324-a |
Big Sugar’s subsidy — how sweet it is |
Miami Herald |
130324-b |
Environmentalists need a real plan |
Ocala.com |
130324-c |
Mark Perry is still fighting for the St. Lucie River, 35 years later |
TCPalm.com |
130324-d |
Who will get South Florida Water Management District post ? |
News-Press.com |
130323- |
FCC Legislative Update March 18-22 |
130322-a |
Don't stick taxpayers with Everglades bill |
Bradenton Herald |
130322-b |
Environmentalists, farmers strike deal on the Everglades |
Sunshine State News |
130322-c |
Florida lawmakers pass Everglades restoration deal |
Sun Sentinel |
130322-c |
House backs Everglades restoration |
Associated Press |
130322-d |
Who controls water standard levels in Florida? |
130321-a |
A good move for Everglades |
TBO.com |
130321-b |
Former Sen. Bob Graham talks Florida conservation with News 13 |
Orlando Sentinel |
130321-c |
Gov. Scott lays down the law on Everglades: 'I want a clean bill' |
Miami Herald |
130320-a |
Deal with feds on water quality rules wins quick approval from House Committee |
Florida Current |
130320-b |
Florida House advances bill for DEP to reset water standards |
SoutheastAgNet.com |
130320-c |
Florida's own numeric nutrient standards flow through House Committee |
Sunshine State News |
130220-d |
Gov. Scott announces $2.2 million investment for Springs protection |
Suwannee Democrat |
130320-e |
New bridge will aid in restoring Florida's Everglades |
Miami Herald |
130320-f |
Policy Note: The Everglades |
Florida Current |
130320-g |
Rotten to the Corps: Public reviews targeted in new bill |
NRDC Switchboard |
130320-h |
Sea grass gains good sign for future for Tampa Bay |
Tampa Bay Times |
130320-i |
SFWMD evaluating possible surplus lands |
wotimes.com |
130320-j |
Work to begin on 8 Indian River Lagoon projects to benefit ecosystem in Martin and St. Lucie counties |
TCPalm.com |
130319-a |
Fla. wins control of water regulations over EPA bullies |
BizPacReview.com |
130319-b |
Rising temperatures may cause more Katrinas |
National Geographic News |
130319-c |
The Mosaic Company enters phosphate joint venture with Ma’aden and SABIC in Saudi Arabia |
DailyMarkets.com |
130318-a |
From an expert: Pamela Sweeney on Miami’s waterways |
130318-b |
What do The Palm Beach Post and Everglades Foundation have in common ? |
SunshineStateNews.com |
130317-a |
Deep trouble: How sea-rise could cause havoc in South Florida |
Phys.org |
130317-b |
Ron Bergeron reappointed to Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission |
Sun Sentinel |
130316-a |
Farm flooding fixes raise cost, environmental concerns |
Sun Sentinel |
130316-b |
The Earth has another other CO2 problem |
al.com |
130315-a |
EPA, state agree to Everglades pollution plan but environmental groups wary |
Palm Beach Post |
130315-b |
Everglades bill clears last House committee |
Naples Daily News |
130315-c |
Governor appoints Chipley man to Water Management District |
ChipleyPaper.com |
130315-d |
Make polluters pay in Everglades |
Tampa Bay Times |
130315-e |
Nutrient criteria battle: Florida, not EPA, knows best how to care for its waters |
Sunshine State News |
130315-f |
Seagrass mapping shows Tampa Bay healthiest in years |
BayNews9.com |
130315-g |
Stinky ditches are gone but red tide persists |
BocaBeacon.com |
130314-a |
Clean Water Act in Fla. |
TheLedger.com |
130314-b |
Five things to look for in Thursday’s Legislative session |
Miami Herald |
130314-c |
Move over, health care: Florida's biggest future challenge is water |
SunshineStateNews.com |
130313-a |
Florida's energy future should include nuclear |
The Tampa Tribune |
130313-b |
Floridians value H2O quality over quantity |
The Indep.FL Alligator |
130313-c |
Politicos make pitch for funding |
KeysNews.com |
130313-d |
Tree fungus spreading rapidly |
DailyCommercial.com |
130312-a |
Everglades plan would cost more than $1 billion |
KeysNews.com |
130312-b |
Gov. Scott, Cabinet approve land deals |
Associated Press |
130312-c |
Governor names two to water management district |
News Herald |
130312-d |
The case against species revival |
NationalGeographic.com |
130311-a |
Lawmakers must protect quality of life |
Orlando Sentinel |
130311-b |
Paralyzing algae is killing manatees at record pace in Florida |
NBCnews.com |
130311-c |
Sea level rise could threaten facilities in Miami |
Associated Press |
130311-d |
Water not addressed in Scott speech |
NewsChief.com |
130311-e |
Water Water Everywhere |
BloggerNews.net |
130310-a |
Big Sugar mounts new attack on the Everglades |
Palm Beach Post |
130310-b |
Local Events: Environmental and Earth Law Summit |
Orlando Sentinel |
130309-a |
Home rule ? |
NaplesNews.com |
130309-b |
South Florida Water District needs to complete its unfinished reservoir |
Sun Sentinel |
130309-c |
Springs dreams |
Ocala.com |
130308-a |
Briefing: The strange science of sinkholes |
NewScientist.com |
130308-b |
Miami's ultimate vice may be its proximity to water |
TakePart.com |
130308-c |
New hires will boost leadership team at South Florida Water Management District |
Palm Beach Post |
130308-d |
Rick Scott announces appointments to two Water Management District boards |
Sunshine State News |
130307-a |
Florida sugar growers win House vote on Everglades pollution payout |
Palm Beach Post |
130207-b |
High-stake environmental issues before the Florida legislature in 2013 |
130306-a |
Environmentalists warn that law change helps Big Sugar dodge Everglades cleanup |
Sun Sentinel |
130306-b |
Marshall Foundation accepting applications for summer interns |
Sun Sentinel |
130305-a |
Congress's help needed to build on work of Central Everglades Planning Project |
TCPalm |
130305-b |
Rancher wants to fertilize with biosolid sludge |
FloridaToday.com |
130304-a |
At site of Florida sinkhole that swallowed a man, what's next ? |
Associated Press |
130304-b |
Gov. Scott appoints 2 to Water Management District |
NaplesNews.com |
130304-c |
Red tide no stranger to Southwest Florida shores |
News-Press.com |
130304-d |
Utilities unite to try to stop climate change from shrinking water supply |
Orlando Sentinel |
130304-e |
Vote in Today's Buzz |
Orlando Sentinel |
130303-a |
2013 Florida Legislative Session is a matter of trust: Ethics, elections reform critical with huge agenda |
TCPalm |
130303-b |
Gene Vacarro views on Scott
NaplesNews.com |
130303-c |
Rep. Pilon draws from his expertise to exert influence |
Herald-Tribune |
130303-d |
South Florida Water Management District credibility problem nearing flood stage |
Palm Beach Post |
130303-e |
Two-pronged project |
Ocala.com |
130303-f |
What causes sinkholes ? Florida tragedy spotlights science of subsidence |
Huffington Post |
130302-a |
Daniel DeLisi scandal ? SFWMD has more 'Splainin to do” |
SunshineStateNews |
130302-b |
Reviving stalled Everglades reservoir raises homes and cost questions |
Sun Sentinel |
130302-c |
Should we humans feel guilty for overpopulating this planet? |
OpEdNews.com |
130302-d |
Sinkhole growing; Fla. man missing and presumed dead |
Chicago Tribune |
130301-a |
Bill filed to OK next phase of Everglades restoration |
Sun Sentinel |
130301-b |
Bill to limit holdings: Government land does good |
TheLedger.com |
130301-c |
Expedition aims to save wild Florida |
MyFoxTampaBay.com |
130301-d |
In bill crush, lawmakers get "snookered" |
Herald-Tribune |
130301-e |
New study reveals how sensitive US East Coast regions may be to ocean acidification |
Phys.org |
MARCH 2013
FEB. end : |
Click for milestone REPORT : |
WHO Pollutes ? WHO Pays ?
"Enterprise Assessment for the Reduction of Nutrient
Pollution in South Florida Waters"
(by RTI International) |
FEB. end : |
130228-a |
Gov. Scott announces $3 million commitment for water projects in Apalachikola |
ApalachTimes.com |
130228-b |
Learning to live with red tide |
130228-c |
Miami sequester: How budget cuts will affect Dade and Broward (photos) |
Huffington Post |
130228-d |
New poll finds Americans are worried about runaway population growth |
TheDailyBeast.com |
130228-e |
Red tide detected on Sarasota County beaches |
130227-a |
Clean Water Act: The potential impact of LA County v. NRDC |
Jurist.org |
130227-b |
Everglades Foundation beefs up Tallahassee lobbying team as governor dines with board |
Florida Current |
130227-c |
South Florida Water Management District board member resigns |
News-Press.com |
130227-d |
'Water ethic' topic of Thursday speech by award-winning journalist |
Tallahassee.com |
130227-e |
Water quality expert K. Hudnell: Shift policy and treatment strategies for impaired water bodies |
FortMillTimes.com |
130227-f |
With cuts looming, Southwest Florida agencies face uncertain future |
News-Press.com |
130226-a |
Environment back on the table this legislative session, says Senate Majority Leader |
WLRN.org |
130226-b |
Everglades project may drain well field in Miami-Dade County |
FIUSM.com |
130226-c |
Global warming and airflow changes 'caused US and EU heatwaves' |
Reuters |
130226-d |
High-stakes trial resumes over 2010 Gulf oil spill |
Associated Press |
130226-e |
Lake Point sues Maggy Hurchalla: 'false statements' interfering with rock mine, stormwater project |
TCPalm.com |
130226-f |
State DEP scores legal win on its water rules |
Ocala.com |
130226-g |
Too rosy a story of success |
NewsChief.com |
130226-h |
Water district board member Delisi resigns for paying job with district, as chief of staff |
Palm Beach Post |
130225-a |
Appellate court affirms new Florida water rules |
S.Francisco Chronicle |
130225-b |
Drugs in our drinking water ? |
Tallahassee.com |
130225-c |
Future of Florida if automatic spending cuts kick in |
WINKnews.com |
130225-d |
Opinions differ over battle to clear waterways of hydrilla |
130223-a |
A refreshing water bill |
TBO.com |
130223-b |
Everglades restoration clash looming over questions of water quality |
Sun Sentinel |
130223-c |
If we don't continue water restoration, we deserve blame |
TheLedger.com |
130223-d |
Looking to the future with today's money |
TCPalm.com |
130222-a |
As EPA rejects rules, new talks eye voluntary path to cut POTWs' nutrients |
COSPP.com |
130222-b |
Corps of Engineers holding dike meetings |
SWFlorida.blogspot.com |
130222-c |
Environmental experts find Everglades Foundation report 'grossly inaccurate' |
SunshineStateNews.com |
130222-d |
Report says red tide lingering in Southwest Florida waters |
News-Press.com |
130222-e |
USA: Army Corps publishes EIS for FEB |
DredgingToday.com |
February 2013 - - (CLICK here for FEBRUARY 2013 separate continuation) |
yymmdd- |
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SOURCE (link to the original) |