yymmdd |
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(click the LINK for FULL article text - no advertising) |
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President to read |
2012 Progress
Report on Everglades Restoration preprint AVAILABLE NOW |
120931- |
Put environment front and center |
UtilityProducts.com |
120830-a |
Officials battle false rumors of breach in the berm between Corbett Wildlife, Acreage |
Palm Beach Post |
120830-b |
Small gesture by one Treasure Coast government reinforces importance of funding, completing big environmental restoration project |
TCPalm.com |
120829- |
Officials anxious to move forward with next phase of canal project in Indiantown |
TCPalm.com |
120828- |
Florida Keys park violates toxic runoff and water contamination rules |
Examiner.com |
120827- |
SFWMD in recovery operations from TS Isaac to ease flooding situations |
BrowardNetOnline.com |
120826-a |
Conversation starter |
Ocala.com |
120826-b |
Florida's commitment to protect, preserve water is unparalleled |
The Ledger.com |
120826-c |
Seminole mine expansion in panther habitat clears hurdle |
Sun Sentinel |
120825-a |
Loxahatchee refuge proposes alligator hunt |
Sun Sentinel |
120825-b |
S. Fla. Water Management District working to avoid flooding |
CBSlocal.com |
120822-a |
Adena Ranch to slash its request for water |
Gainesville Sun |
120922-b |
Palm Beach County wants more info before considering selling off Everglades site |
Palm Beach Post |
120822-c |
Sen. Ben Cardin Touts Obama Environmental Policies At Sarasota Stop |
Sarasota Patch |
120921- |
‘Legacy' a common-sense approach to conservation |
Gainesville Sun |
120819-a |
Politics and the Everglades |
NewsChief.com |
120819-b |
Site once considered for landfill may become stormwater treatment area |
Palm Beach Post |
120817-a |
Nelson files Everglades funding bill |
KeysNews.com |
120817-b |
Palm Beach County becoming bigger player in Everglades restoration |
Sun Sentinel |
120816- |
Bitter battle over Lakes Park restoration project |
WINKnews.com |
120815-a |
Politics stall Everglades wildlife-refuge project |
NewsChief.com |
120815-b |
Water district shows weakness on Everglades commitment |
Palm Beach Post |
120814-a |
Frank Stronach’s cattle ranch triggers Florida water war |
Canada.com |
120814-b |
Palm Beach County endorses $55 million Mecca Farms deal |
Sun Sentinel |
120813- |
Record-breaking python found in Everglades with 87 eggs |
Sun Sentinel |
120812-a |
In Hernando County, a river is dying, but it doesn't have to |
Tampa Bay Times |
120812-b |
Presidential politics boost Everglades restoration |
Sun Sentinel |
120811-a |
A vote for a green Florida |
Ocala.com |
120811-b |
New Director for popular Everglades program |
BocaNewsNow.com |
120810-a |
Campaign seeks Florida ballot issue to protect state's environmental treasures |
Miami Herald |
120810-b |
Water district considers tapping rock mining money for Everglades restoration |
Sun Sentinel |
120809-a |
Could the environmentalists come up with a crazier idea ? |
SunshineStateNews.com |
120809-b |
Proposed Mecca Farms land swap moves forward |
Palm Beach Post |
120809-c |
Protecting the best of FloridaEditorial |
TBO.com |
120809-d |
Pumping polluted water OK'd for Lake Okeechobee |
Sun Sentinel |
120809-e |
Water District endorses buying Mecca Farms for $55M |
Sun Sentinel |
120808-a |
Environmental groups want guaranteed $10 billion expenditure in State Constitution |
Sunshine State News |
120808-b |
Florida environmentalists launch $10B conservation campaign |
TheBondBuyer.com |
120808-c |
Florida's Audubon demands hearing over sugar producers' Everglades pollution |
Agra-net.com |
120808-d |
Keep more polluted water out of Lake Okeechobee |
Palm Beach Post |
120808-e |
Petition under way for state amendment protecting water, land |
Daytona Beach News J. |
120808-f |
World over-using underground water reserves for agriculture |
Reuters |
120807-a |
Agriculture’s role in ecosystem services |
USDA Blog |
120807-b |
A way to protect Florida’s treasures |
Miami Herald |
120807-c |
Bad science will not change the facts |
Gainesville Sun |
120807-d |
Environmental groups kick off effort to secure land funds |
News-Press.com |
120807-e |
Poll shows - Federal Government has responsibility to safeguard, support National Parks |
National Parks Traveler |
120805- |
Lee County fights for clean Lake Okeechobee water |
News-Press.com |
120804- |
SFWMD, FWC Expand Kissimmee River Recreation Area |
120803-a |
Conservation Coalition: Silver Springs Splash |
TheLedger.com |
120803-b |
Don’t pump more pollution into Lake Okeechobee |
Palm Beach Post |
120803-c |
EPA can't find livestock farms |
FloridaToday.com |
120803-d |
Everglades water permits to restore Everglades water quality OK’d by EPA |
SoEastFarmPress.com |
120803-e |
Florida Nature: Environmental Issues |
FloridaNature.com |
120803-f |
The Fertilizer Institute commends court decision on Florida water quality |
SoEastFarmPress.com |
120802- |
Everglades bill promotes next round of restoration |
Sun Sentinel |
120801- |
(No relevant "Everglades" news on August 1, 2012) |
JULY end : |
Click for recent REPORT : |
WHO Pollutes ? WHO Pays ?
"Enterprise Assessment for the Reduction of Nutrient
Pollution in South Florida Waters"
(by RTI International) |
JULY end : |
120731-a |
Front & Center: Everglades effort helps economy |
Orlando Sentinel |
120731-b |
Rallying point |
Gainesville.com |
120731-c |
The Silver disaster |
Ocala.com |
120730-a |
Areawide Study for Florida Phosphate Mining is Badly Flawed |
Sierra Club Florida News |
120730-b |
Audubon files challenge to sugar permits |
SouthEastAgNet.com |
120730-c |
Exclusive: A fight to save the Caloosahatchee River |
News-Press.com |
120730-d |
Florida water pollution rules in election-year limbo |
Herald-Tribune |
120730-e |
Scientists lambaste phosphate mining report |
Herald-Tribune |
120729- |
United for water |
Ocala.com |
120728-a |
Protecting endangered sparrows costing Everglades water |
Sun Sentinel |
120728-b |
Robert L. Knight: Adena Springs Ranch in the Court of Public Opinion |
Gainesville Sun |
120727-a |
Audubon demands hearing over sugar producers’ Everglades pollution |
Palm Beach Post |
120727-b |
Bold leadership needed to protect Caloosahatchee and Everglades |
CaptivaSanibel.com |
120727-c |
SFWMD considers Lake O backpumping proposal |
Captiva Current |
120727-d |
State: Mercury too highin Gulf waters |
SarasotaPatch.com |
120726- |
Water Levels on Okeechobee, Kissimmee Stable |
TheLedger.com |
120725-a |
Everglades restoration plan evokes concerns at public hearing |
Palm Beach Post |
120725-b |
Mercury pollution must drop 86%, Florida says |
Herald-Tribune |
120724- |
Sierra Club opposes plan to pump sugar cane pollution into Lake Okeechobee |
Sierra Club Florida News |
120723-a |
3 Florida environmental groups sue Army Corps over algae blooms |
NaplesNews.com |
120723-b |
Lawsuit Filed to Clean Up Caloosahatchee River in Florida |
Earthjustice |
120723-c |
Slime-covered river prompts Florida environmental groups to sue Corps of Engineers |
Tampa Bay Times |
JULY 2012 - - (CLICK here for JULY separate continuation) |
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(click the LINK for FULL article text - no advertizing)
SOURCE (link to the original) |