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(Year) - Authors - Title -
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(The literature selection is based on a single keyword "everglades") |
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Madeira, P. T., Center, T. D., Coetzee, J. A., Pemberton, R. W., Purcell, M. F., and Hill, M. P. (2013). Identity and origins of introduced and native Azolla species in Florida. Aquatic Botany 111, 9-15. |
Malone, S. L., Starr, G., Staudhammer, C. L., and Ryan, M. G. (2013). Effects of simulated drought on the carbon balance of Everglades short-hydroperiod marsh. Global Change Biology 19, 2511-2523. |
Medvedeff, C. A., Inglett, K. S., Kobziar, L. N., and Inglett, P. W. (2013). Impacts of fire on microbial carbon cycling in subtropical wetlands. Fire Ecology 9, 21-37. |
Memarzadeh, M., Mahjouri, N., and Kerachian, R. (2013). Evaluating sampling locations in river water quality monitoring networks: application of dynamic factor analysis and discrete entropy theory. Environmental Earth Sciences 70, 2577-2585. |
Mirecki, J. E., Bennett, M. W., and Lopez-Balaez, M. C. (2013). Arsenic Control During Aquifer Storage Recovery Cycle Tests in the Floridan Aquifer. Ground Water 51, 539-549. |
Moses, C. S., Anderson, W. T., Saunders, C., and Sklar, F. (2013). Regional climate gradients in precipitation and temperature in response to climate teleconnections in the Greater Everglades ecosystem of South Florida. Journal of Paleolimnology 49, 5-14. |
Noguera, M. S. (2013). Effects of nutrient additions on benthic metabolism in the Southern Everglades. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 245. |
Nuessly, G. S., Wang, Y., Sandhu, H., Larsen, N., and Cherry, R. H. (2013). Entomologic and agronomic evaluations of 18 sweet sorghum cultivars for biofuel in Florida. Florida Entomologist 96, 512-528. |
Odero, D. C., and Wright, A. L. (2013). Response of Sweet Corn to Pyroxasulfone in High-Organic-Matter Soils. Weed Technology 27, 341-346. |
Osborne, T. Z., Kobziar, L. N., and Inglett, P. W. (2013). Special Isuue on Fire and Water: New perspectives on fire's role in shaping wetland ecosystems introduction. Fire Ecology 9, 1-5. |
Pal, S., and Panwar, P. (2013). Interrelationship of Carbon Sequestration, Soil Fertility, and Microbial Indices as Influenced by Long-Term Land Uses in Lower Himalayan Region, India. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 44, 869-883. |
Paudel, R., Grace, K. A., Galloway, S., Zamorano, M., and Jawitz, J. W. (2013). Effects of hydraulic resistance by vegetation on stage dynamics of a stormwater treatment wetland. Journal of Hydrology 484, 74-85. |
Pearce, C., Cremer, H., Lammertsma, E., and Wagner-Cremer, F. (2013). A 2,500-year record of environmental change in Highlands Hammock State Park (Central Florida, USA) inferred from siliceous microfossils. Journal of Paleolimnology 49, 31-43. |
Quinete, N., Castro, J., Fernandez, A., Zamora-Ley, I. M., Rand, G. M., and Gardinali, P. R. (2013). Occurrence and Distribution of Endosulfan in Water, Sediment, and Fish Tissue: An Ecological Assessment of Protected Lands in South Florida. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 61, 11881-11892. |
Quinete, N., Wang, J., Fernandez, A., Castro, J., and Gardinali, P. R. (2013). Outcompeting GC for the detection of legacy chlorinated pesticides: online-SPE UPLC APCI/MSMS detection of endosulfans at part per trillion levels. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 405, 5887-5899. |
Quintana-Ascencio, P. F., Fauth, J. E., Morales, L. M. C., Ponzio, K. J., Hall, D., and Snyder, K. (2013). Taming the Beast: Managing Hydrology to Control Carolina Willow (Salix caroliniana) Seedlings and Cuttings. Restoration Ecology 21, 639-647. |
Randall, P. M., and Chattopadhyay, S. (2013). Mercury contaminated sediment sites - an evaluation of remedial options. Environmental Research 125, 131-149. |
Randall, P. M., Yates, B. J., Lal, V., Darlington, R., and Fimmen, R. (2013). In-situ subaqueous capping of mercury-contaminated sediments in a fresh-water aquatic system, Part II-evaluation of sorption materials. Environmental Research 125, 41-51. |
Rober, A. R., Wyatt, K. H., Turetsky, M. R., and Stevenson, R. J. (2013). Algal community response to experimental and interannual variation in hydrology in an Alaskan boreal fen. Freshwater Science 32, 1-11. |
Rodusky, A. J., Sharfstein, B., Hanlon, C. G., and Donnelly, K. A. (2013). Ecological attributes of a native and exotic emergent subtropical marsh community in lake okeechobee, Florida (USA). Wetlands Ecology and Management 21, 87-105. |
Rolle, S., Santana, P., Tarnay, G., Exposito, M., Del Sol, M. C., and Wisdom, N. (2013). Brazilian pepper: An invasive tree in the South Florida Everglades with beneficial properties for human health. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 245. |
Rosenblatt, A. E., Heithaus, M. R., Mather, M. E., Matich, P., Nifong, J. C., Ripple, W. J., and Silliman, B. R. (2013). The roles of large top predators in coastal ecosystems: New Insights from Long Term Ecological Research. Oceanography 26, 156-167. |
Rosenblatt, A. E., Heithaus, M. R., Mazzotti, F. J., Cherkiss, M., and Jeffery, B. M. (2013). Intra-population variation in activity ranges, diel patterns, movement rates, and habitat use of American alligators in a subtropical estuary. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 135, 182-190. |
Ruehl, C. B., and Trexler, J. C. (2013). A suite of prey traits determine predator and nutrient enrichment effects in a tri-trophic food chain. Ecosphere 4. |
Ruiz, P. L., Sah, J. P., Ross, M. S., and Spitzig, A. A. (2013). Tree islan response to fire and flooding in a short-hydroperiod marl prairie grasslands of the Florida Everglades, USA. Fire Ecology 9, 38-54. |
Sanchez, C., Gaiser, E. E., Saunders, C. J., Wachnicka, A. H., Oehm, N., and Craft, C. (2013). Challenges in using siliceous subfossils as a tool for inferring past water level and hydroperiod in Everglades marshes. Journal of Paleolimnology 49, 45-66. |
Serna, A., Richards, J. H., and Scinto, L. J. (2013). Plant Decomposition in Wetlands: Effects of Hydrologic Variation in a Re-Created Everglades. Journal of Environmental Quality 42, 562-572. |
Shallat, T. (2013). River of Interests: Water Management in South Florida and the Everglades, 1948-2010. Public Historian 35, 113-115. |
Slocum, M. G., and Orzell, S. L. (2013). A Structural Equation Model Analysis of Relationships among ENSO, Seasonal Descriptors and Wildfires. Plos One 8. |
Smith, T. J., Foster, A. M., Tiling-Range, G., and Jones, J. W. (2013). Dynamics of mangrove-marsh ecotones in subtropical coastal wetlands: Fire, Sea-level rise, and Water levels. Fire Ecology 9, 66-77. |
Smoak, J. M., Breithaupt, J. L., Smith, T. J., and Sanders, C. J. (2013). Sediment accretion and organic carbon burial relative to sea-level rise and storm events in two mangrove forests in Everglades National Park. Catena 104, 58-66. |
Stevens, P. W., Greenwood, M. F. D., and Blewett, D. A. (2013). Fish Assemblages in the Oligohaline Stretch of a Southwest Florida River during Periods of Extreme Freshwater Inflow Variation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142, 1644-1658. |
Strazisar, T., Koch, M. S., Dutra, E., and Madclen, C. J. (2013). Ruppia maritima L. seed bank viability at the Everglades-Florida Bay ecotone. Aquatic Botany 111, 26-34. |
Strazisar, T., Koch, M. S., Madden, C. J., Filina, J., Lara, P. U., and Mattair, A. (2013). Salinity effects on Ruppia maritima L. seed germination and seedling survival at the Everglades-Florida Bay ecotone. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 445, 129-139. |
Szantoi, Z., Escobedo, F., Abd-Elrahman, A., Smith, S., and Pearlstine, L. (2013). Analyzing fine-scale wetland composition using high resolution imagery and texture features. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 23, 204-212. |
Troxler, T. G., Gaiser, E., Barr, J., Fuentes, J. D., Jaffe, R., Childers, D. L., Collado-Vides, L., Rivera-Monroy, V. H., Castaneda-Moya, E., Anderson, W., Chambers, R., Chen, M. L., Coronado-Molina, C., Davis, S. E., Engel, V., Fitz, C., Fourqurean, J., Frankovich, T., Kominoski, J., Madden, C., Malone, S. L., Oberbauer, S. F., Olivas, P., Richards, J., Saunders, C., Schedlbauer, J., Scinto, L. J., Sklar, F., Smith, T., Smoak, J. M., Starr, G., Twilley, R. R., and Whelan, K. (2013). Integrated carbon budget models for the Everglades terrestrial -coastal-oceanic gradient: Current Status and Needs for Inter-Site Comparisons. Oceanography 26, 98-107. |
Ugarte, C. A., Bass, O. L., Nuttle, W., Mazzotti, F. J., Rice, K. G., Fujisaki, I., and Whelan, K. R. T. (2013). The influence of regional hydrology on nesting behavior and nest fate of the American alligator. Journal of Wildlife Management 77, 192-199. |
VanZomeren, C. M., White, J. R., and DeLaune, R. D. (2013). Ammonification and denitrification rates in coastal Louisiana bayou sediment and marsh soil: Implications for Mississippi river diversion management. Ecological Engineering 54, 77-81. |
Venne, L. S., and Frederick, P. C. (2013). Foraging wading bird (Ciconiformes) attraction to prescribed burns in an oligotrophic wetland. Fire Ecology 9, 78-95. |
Wachnicka, A., Collins, L. S., and Gaiser, E. E. (2013). Response of diatom assemblages to 130 years of environmental change in Florida Bay (USA). Journal of Paleolimnology 49, 83-101. |
Waletzko, E. J., and Mitsch, W. J. (2013). The Carbon Balance of Two Riverine Wetlands Fifteen Years After Their Creation. Wetlands 33, 989-999. |
Wang, Q., Zhang, Z. S., Zhou, X. H., and Lu, X. G. (2013). Mercury distribution and accumulation in typical wetland ecosystems of Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Chinese Geographical Science 23, 49-58. |
Waters, M. N., Smoak, J. M., and Saunders, C. J. (2013). Historic primary producer communities linked to water quality and hydrologic changes in the northern Everglades. Journal of Paleolimnology 49, 67-81. |
Wdowinski, S., Hong, S. H., Mulcan, A., and Brisco, B. (2013). Remote-Sensing Monitoring of Tide Propagation Through Coastal Wetlands. Oceanography 26, 64-69. |
Webb, J., and Zhang, X. H. (2013). Organ-disparate allocation of plasticity in phosphorus response as an undrlying mechanism for the sawgrass-to-cattail habitat shift in Florida Everglades wetlands. International Journal of Plant Sciences 174, 779-790. |
Wright, H. L., Collar, N. J., Lake, I. R., and Dolman, P. M. (2013). Amphibian concentrations in dessicating mud may determine the breeding season of the white-shouldered ibis (Pseudibis davisoni). Auk 130, 774-783. |
Xie, Z. X., Zhang, C. Y., and Berry, L. (2013). Geographically weighted modelling of surface salinity in Florida Bay using Landsat TM data. Remote Sensing Letters 4, 76-84.. |
Yamashita, Y., Boyer, J. N., and Jaffe, R. (2013). Evaluating the distribution of terrestrial dissolved organic matter in a complex coastal ecosystem using fluorescence spectroscopy. Continental Shelf Research 66, 136-144. |
Yang, Z. F., Qin, Y., and Yang, W. (2013). Assessing and classifying plant-related ecological risk under water management scenarios in China's Yellow River Delta Wetlands. Journal of Environmental Management 130, 276-287. |
You, C. W., Lin, Y. P., Lai, Y. H., Chen, Y. L., Tang, Y., Chou, S. P., Chang, H. Y., Zappalorti, R. T., and Lin, S. M. (2013). Return of the pythons: first formal records, with a special note on recovery of the Burmese python in the demilitarized Kinmen islands. Zoological Studies 52. |
Yu, H. L., Lin, Y. C., Sivakumar, B., and Kuo, Y. M. (2013). A study of the temporal dynamics of ambient particulate matter using stochastic and chaotic techniques. Atmospheric Environment 69, 37-45. |
Yurek, S., DeAngelis, D. L., Trexler, J. C., Jopp, F., and Donalson, D. D. (2013). Simulating mechanisms for dispersal, production and stranding of small forage fish in temporary wetland habitats. Ecological Modelling 250, 391-401. |
Zapata-Rios, X., Rivero, R. G., Naja, G. M., and Goovaerts, P. (2013). Reply to comment by Julian on "Spatial and temporal phosphorus distribution changes in a large wetland ecosystem". Water Resources Research 49, 2314-2315. |
Zhang, C. Y., and Xie, Z. X. (2013). Object-based Vegetation Mapping in the Kissimmee River Watershed Using HyMap Data and Machine Learning Techniques. Wetlands 33, 233-244. |
Zhang, C. Y., Xie, Z. X., and Selch, D. (2013). Fusing lidar and digital aerial photography for object-based forest mapping in the Florida Everglades. Geoscience & Remote Sensing 50, 562-573. |
Zhang, X. F., Liu, Z. W., Gulati, R. D., and Jeppesen, E. (2013). The effect of benthic algae on phosphorus exchange between sediment and overlying water in shallow lakes: a microcosm study using P-32 as a tracer. Hydrobiologia 710, 109-116. |
Zhang, X. F., and Mei, X. Y. (2013). Periphyton response to nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment in a eutrophic shallow aquatic ecosystem. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 31, 59-64. |
Zheng, S. M., Gu, B. H., Zhou, Q. X., and Li, Y. C. (2013). Variations of mercury in the inflow and outflow of a constructed treatment wetland in south Florida, USA. Ecological Engineering 61, 419-425. |
2013 second part (M-Z)
END of new 2013 references |