Click for overall list of YEAR
(mixed, prior to 2009 go by the specialty field) |
(Year) - Authors - Title -
Journal/Source |
(The literature selection is based on a single keyword "everglades") |
Machemer, E. G. P., Walter, J. F., Serafy, J. E., and Kerstetter, D. W. (2012). Importance of mangrove shorelines for rainbow parrotfish Scarus guacamaia: habitat suitability modeling in a subtropical bay. Aquatic Biology 15, 87-98. |
Matsinos, Y. G., Wolff, W. F., and Moustakas, A. (2012). Adapting foraging to habitat heterogeneity and climate change: an individual-based model for wading birds. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 24, 209-229. |
McCarthy, L. C., Loftus, W. F., and Rehage, J. S. (2012). Segregation of palaemonid shrimp along an Everglades estuarine gradient: Do multiple species have similar trophic function ? Bulletin of Marine Science 88, 843-861. |
McCray, J. M., and Ji, S. N. (2012). Calibration of sugarcane response to calcium silicate on Florida histosols. Journal of Plant Nutrition 35, 1192-1209. |
McCray, J. M., Rice, R. W., Luo, Y. G., and Ji, S. N. (2012a). Phosphorus Fertilizer Calibration for Sugarcane on Everglades Histosols. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 43, 2691-2707. |
McCray, J. M., Wright, A. L., Luo, Y. G., and Ji, S. N. (2012b). Soil Phosphorus Forms Related to Extractable Phosphorus in the Everglades Agricultural Area. Soil Science 177, 31-38. |
Miao, S. L., and Zou, C. B. (2012). Effects of inundation on growth and nutrient allocation of six major macrophytes in the Florida Everglades. Ecological Engineering 42, 10-18. |
Moustafa, M. Z., White, J. R., Coghlan, C. C., and Reddy, K. R. (2012). Influence of hydropattern and vegetation on phosphorus reduction in a constructed wetland under high and low mass loading rates. Ecological Engineering 42, 134-145. |
Nkheloane, T., Olaleye, A. O., and Mating, R. (2012). Spatial heterogeneity of soil physico-chemical properties in contrasting wetland soils in two agro-ecological zones of Lesotho. Soil Research 50, 579-587. |
O'Brien, L. M., Goodchild, S. A., Phillpotts, R. J., and Perkins, S. D. (2012). A humanised murine monoclonal antibody protects mice from Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, Everglades virus and Mucambo virus when administered up to 48 h after airborne challenge. Virology 426, 100-105. |
Odero, D. C., and Gilbert, R. A. (2012). Response of Giant Reed (Arundo donax) to Asulam and Trifloxysulfuron. Weed Technology 26, 71-76. |
Ouyang, Y., Higman, J., and Hatten, J. (2012). Estimation of dynamic load of mercury in a river with BASINS-HSPF model. Journal of Soils and Sediments 12, 207-216. |
Paudel, R., and Jawitz, J. W. (2012). Does increased model complexity improve description of phosphorus dynamics in a large treatment wetland ?
Ecological Engineering 42, 283-294. |
Porter-Whitaker, A. E., Rehage, J. S., Liston, S. E., and Loftus, W. F. (2012). Multiple predator effects and native prey responses to two non-native Everglades cichlids. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 21, 375-385. |
Putnam Duhon, L. A., Gambrell, R. P., Rusch, K. A., and White, J. R. (2012). Effects of salinity on the microbial removal of nitrate under varying nitrogen inputs within the marshland upwelling system. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part a-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering 47, 1739-1748. |
Rappucci, G. M., Keith, E. O., and Hardigan, P. C. (2012). Tidal Cycle Effects on the Occurrence of the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) at the Port Everglades Power Plant. Aquatic Mammals 38, 31-42. |
Reddy, M. M. (2012). Calcite growth-rate inhibition by fulvic acid and magnesium ion-Possible influence on biogenic calcite formation.
Journal of Crystal Growth 352, 151-154. |
Reed, R. N., Willson, J. D., Rodda, G. H., and Dorcas, M. E. (2012). Ecological correlates of invasion impact for Burmese pythons in Florida. Integrative zoology 7, 254-270. |
Richards, J. H., and Cao, C. (2012). Germination and early growth of Nymphaea odorata at different water depths. Aquatic Botany 98, 12-19. |
Roy, E. D., Nguyen, N. T., Bargu, S., and White, J. R. (2012). Internal loading of phosphorus from sediments of Lake Pontchartrain (Louisiana, USA) with implications for eutrophication. Hydrobiologia 684, 69-82. |
Roy, E. D., and White, J. R. (2012). Nitrate Flux into the Sediments of a Shallow Oligohaline Estuary during Large Flood Pulses of Mississippi River Water. Journal of Environmental Quality 41, 1549-1556. |
Sadle, J. (2012). Discovery of Xylosma buxifolia A. Gray (Flacourtiaceae) in Everglades National Park, Florida, USA. Caribbean Journal of Science 46, 322-323. |
Saha, A. K., Moses, C. S., Price, R. M., Engel, V., Smith, T. J., and Anderson, G. (2012). A Hydrological Budget (2002-2008) for a Large Subtropical Wetland Ecosystem Indicates Marine Groundwater Discharge Accompanies Diminished Freshwater Flow. Estuaries and Coasts 35, 459-474. |
Santos, R. O., and Lirman, D. (2012). Using habitat suitability models to predict changes in seagrass distribution caused by water management practices. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69, 1380-1388. |
Schedlbauer, J. L., Munyon, J. W., Oberbauer, S. F., Gaiser, E. E., and Starr, G. (2012). Controls on Ecosystem Carbon Dioxide Exchange in Short- and Long-Hydroperiod Florida Everglades Freshwater Marshes. Wetlands 32, 801-812. |
Schmidt, C. A., and Clark, M. W. (2012). Efficacy of a denitrification wall to treat continuously high nitrate loads. Ecological Engineering 42, 203-211. |
Scully, B. T., Nagata, R. T., Cherry, R. H., Nuessly, G. S., Trenholm, L. E., Kenworthy, K. E., Schwartz, B. M., and Unruh, J. B. (2012a). Registration of 'Ultimate' Zoysiagrass. Journal of Plant Registrations 6, 71-74. |
Scully, B. T., Nagata, R. T., Nuessly, G. S., Beiriger, R. L., Kenworthy, K. E., and Unruh, J. B. (2012b). Registration of 'Hammock' Centipedegrass.
Journal of Plant Registrations 6, 246-251. |
Shanley, J. B., and Chalmers, A. T. (2012). Streamwater fluxes of total mercury and methylmercury into and out of Lake Champlain. Environmental Pollution 161, 311-320. |
Shao, D. D., Kang, Y., Wu, S. C., and Wong, M. H. (2012). Effects of sulfate reducing bacteria and sulfate concentrations on mercury methylation in freshwater sediments. Science of the Total Environment 424, 331-336. |
Sigua, G. C., Williams, M., Grabowski, J., Chase, C., and Kongchum, M. (2012). Effect of Flooding Duration and Nitrogen Fertilization on Yield and Protein Content of Three Forage Species. Agronomy Journal 104, 791-798. |
Sizemore, G. C., and Main, M. B. (2012). Quality of Flooded Rice and Fallow Fields as Foraging Habitat for Little Blue Herons and Great Egrets in the Everglades Agricultural Area, USA. Waterbirds 35, 381-393. |
Stith, B. M., Slone, D. H., de Wit, M., Edwards, H. H., Langtimm, C. A., Swain, E. D., Soderqvist, L. E., and Reid, J. P. (2012). Passive thermal refugia provided warm water for Florida manatees during the severe winter of 2009-2010. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 462, 287-301. |
Subedi, S. C., Ross, M. S., and Scinto, L. J. (2012). Nutrient Limitation in Two Everglades Tree Species Planted on Constructed Tree Islands. Wetlands 32, 1163-1173. |
Sundar, K.S.G. (2011). Agricultural intensification, rainfall patterns, and large waterbird breeding success in the extensively cultivated landscape of Uttar Pradesh, India.
Biological Conservation 144, 3055–3063. |
Surratt, D., Shinde, D., and Aumen, N. (2012). Recent Cattail Expansion and Possible Relationships to Water Management: Changes in Upper Taylor Slough (Everglades National Park, Florida, USA). Environmental Management 49, 720-733. |
Tipping, P. W., Martin, M. R., Pierce, R., Center, T. D., Pratt, P. R., and Rayamajhi, M. B. (2012). Post-biological control invasion trajectory for Melaleuca quinquenervia in a seasonally inundated wetland. Biological Control 60, 163-168. |
Tjerngren, I., Meili, M., Bjorn, E., and Skyllberg, U. (2012). Eight Boreal Wetlands as Sources and Sinks for Methyl Mercury in Relation to Soil Acidity, C/N Ratio, and Small-Scale Flooding. Environmental Science & Technology 46, 8052-8060. |
Todd, M. J., Muneepeerakul, R., Miralles-Wilhelm, F., Rinaldo, A., and Rodriguez-Iturbe, I. (2012). Possible climate change impacts on the hydrological and vegetative character of Everglades National Park, Florida. Ecohydrology 5, 326-336. |
Valente, P., Boekhout, T., Landell, M. F., Crestani, J., Pagnocca, C., Sette, L. D., Passarini, M. R. Z., Rosa, C. A., Brandao, L. R., Pimenta, R. S., Ribeiro, J. R., Garcia, K. M., Lee, C. F., Suh, S. O., Peter, B., Dlauchy, D., Fell, J. W., Scorzetti, G., Theelen, B., and Vainstein, M. H. (2012). Bandoniozyma gen. nov., a Genus of Fermentative and Non-Fermentative Tremellaceous Yeast Species. Plos One 7. |
vanBochove, E., Theriault, G., Denault, J-T., Dechnmi, F., Allaire, S.E., Rousseau, A.N. (2012). Risk of Phosphorus Desorption from Canadian Agricultural Land:
25-Year Temporal Trend, J. Environ. Qual. 41, 1401-1412. |
VanZomeren, C. M., White, J. R., and DeLaune, R. D. (2012). Fate of Nitrate in Vegetated Brackish Coastal Marsh.
Soil Science Society of America Journal 76, 1919-1927. |
Vasques, G. M., Grunwald, S., and Myers, D. B. (2012). Associations between soil carbon and ecological landscape variables at escalating spatial scales in Florida, USA. Landscape Ecology 27, 355-367. |
Volety, A. K., Haynes, L., Goodman, P. K., Geiger, S., Parker, M., and Gorman, P. (2012). Eastern oysters (Crassotrea virginica) as an indicator for the restoration of Everglades. Journal of Shellfish Research 31, 356-356. |
Wingard, G. L., and Hudley, J. W. (2012). Application of a Weighted-Averaging Method for Determining Paleosalinity: A Tool for Restoration of South Florida's Estuaries. Estuaries and Coasts 35, 262-280. |
Wozniak, J. R., Anderson, W. T., Childers, D. L., Gaiser, E. E., Madden, C. J., and Rudnick, D. T. (2012). Potential N processing by southern Everglades freshwater marshes: Are Everglades marshes passive conduits for nitrogen? Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 96, 60-68. |
Wyatt, K. H., Turetsky, M. R., Rober, A. R., Giroldo, D., Kane, E. S., and Stevenson, R. J. (2012). Contributions of algae to GPP and DOC production in an Alaskan fen: effects of historical water table manipulations on ecosystem responses to a natural flood. Oecologia 169, 821-832. |
Xie, Z. X., Pearlstine, L., and Gawlik, D. E. (2012). Developing a Fine-Resolution Digital Elevation Model to Support Hydrological Modeling and Ecological Studies in the Northern Everglades. Giscience & Remote Sensing 49, 664-686. |
Xu, X., Hanqin, T., Pana, Z., Thomas, C.R. (2011). Modeling ecosystem responses to prescribed fires in a phosphorus-enriched Everglades wetland: II. Phosphorus dynamics and community shift in response to hydrological and seasonal scenarios. Ecological Modelling 222, 3942–3956. |
Zapata-Rios, X., Rivero, R. G., Naja, G. M., and Goovaerts, P. (2012). Spatial and temporal phosphorus distribution changes in a large wetland ecosystem.
Water Resources Research 48. |
Zhang, C. Y., and Xie, Z. X. (2012). Combining object-based texture measures with a neural network for vegetation mapping in the Everglades from hyperspectral imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment 124, 310-320. |
Zhang, K. Q., Liu, H. Q., Li, Y. P., Xu, H. Z., Shen, J., Rhome, J., and Smith, T. J. (2012a). The role of mangroves in attenuating storm surges. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 102, 11-23. |
Zhang, L. L., Yin, J. X., Jiang, Y. Z., and Wang, H. (2012b). Relationship between the hydrological conditions and the distribution of vegetation communities within the Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve, China. Ecological Informatics 11, 65-75. |
2012 second part (M-Z)
END of new 2012 references |